Self Governed Gaming

3/22/22 Report:

Previous Milestone:

As a brief recap of the focus of this proposal - Decentralized gamer IDs would give players sovereignty over their digital identity within NFT games, without placing the burden of trust on the game itself. DIDs would also allow for games to be able to tie assets to players instead of wallets. Game developers can therefore validate the ownership of assets to players. This proposal includes early access to Atala PRISM for us to research the feasibility and application of this for games and their players.


  • Ownership conversations, system vs NFT ownership. Writeup while we are going through Atala PRISM

As we onboard into the first part of this proposal - going through Atala PRISM's main coursework on the technical front, we have also begun exploring the idea and definition of on-chain ownership and off chain service usage. With DID's the application of different levels of ownership are critical to define what rights do exist, within services and actual assets. A few interesting findings from researching existing approaches to ownership:

  • Top Cardano minting platforms maintain perpetual, non-revokable, commercial rights over uploaded content or 'Contributions' to their platform. While they claim they take "no ownership" - the ability to do whatever they want with the content, including creating derivative work and selling if they wish, even within the original Policy ID if open, creates a scary standard for those not reading the legal TOS of a minting platform. We should note, we haven't seen any abuse of this yet. however there are hundreds of thousands of assets bound by this perpetual, non-revokable license already.

  • Some other DApps mint assets with licenses linked to web2 website terms of use pages. While this defines clearly the terms of use, it also allows for the ongoing ability of a centralized or federated team to update and define use however they want moving forward.

It seems there is much more work that needs to be done and researched as part of the ownership definition and we believe this lies in creating clear ownership over assets and separating ongoing access to services. As we explore DID's and the potential for Gamertags as an NFT within a wallet for example, the creation and transfer of the initial NFT could be done via access to Revelar's NFT Game Engine to mint the asset and as soon as it was transferred, was solely owned and controlled by the buyer. This opens up a standard for use outside of our own system for other platforms to individually use and integrate with the standard Gamertag while putting the burden / power of ownership on the holder of the NFT. -

Next Steps:

Continue Atala PRISM work & write a exploratory Medium post on Ownership, search for other models or approaches to the idea of ownership and identity.



Status: ON TIME

Last updated

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