RML (Aramel Martin) was the Project lead and coordinated with many players in our Duo community to make this possible! He also created a community tool to test out the deck design within his spreadsheets which was a fantastic to see as a community leader going above and beyond with his dedication!
Thank you RML, this project was made so much better with you! ❤️
August 22' Report:
Previous Milestone:
As a recap, we asked the community to help us evaluate different regions around the world that would like to play Duo in their own native language and localized humor. This serves as a way for us to establish insights into alternatives in gameplay based on global trends in humor and test expansion in different regions.
Translation is a non-trivial process to make sure the game retains its fun gameplay. We identified 5 languages based off our community partners and interest and are translating a small sample deck in each language to test gameplay in these regions.
We completed all the translation and are going back through our first batch of QA. We have also created the process for creating all the cards with Revelar's new 2 stage minting process that we will be using to release these cards.
A big discussion has gone into the idea of running cards with separate language decks or all in one. Due to the nature of how we plan for User Generated Content, we believe the best approach is launching these as their own cards in an appropriate language deck.
While the QA Reviews are ongoing, it's fairly clear that this cohort of translators had much more to note and document as they translated or in one-on-one calls. It meant that this was part of the process that was likely over designed and could be made simpler in future iterations.
Final Translation Sheets:
Next Steps:
Final team recap and RML's project notes for closeout on all the proposals. Cards will be Minted after our Community Deck is released in October.
July 22' Report:
Previous Milestone:
As a recap, we asked the community to help us evaluate different regions around the world that would like to play Duo in their own native language and localized humor. This serves as a way for us to establish insights into alternatives in gameplay based on global trends in humor and test expansion in different regions.
Translation is a non-trivial process to make sure the game retains its fun gameplay. We identified 5 languages based off our community partners and interest and are translating a small sample deck in each language to test gameplay in these regions.
We also created the process for Testing the translation deck, Intro Deck, and QA Review process for each language. These are in the Tasks section in the link above.
Unfortunately we need to change our Portuguese approach due to a translator not feeling comfortable with the nature of the content. This was a great test for us to see where different cultures may not be comfortable with the wild variety of content used in the community.
Next Steps:
Translators to finish work with Test & Intro deck content for final updates.
June 22' Report:
Previous Milestone:
As a recap, we asked the community to help us evaluate different regions around the world that would like to play Duo in their own native language and localized humor. This serves as a way for us to establish insights into alternatives in gameplay based on global trends in humor and test expansion in different regions.
Translation is a non-trivial process to make sure the game retains its fun gameplay. We identified 5 languages based off our community partners and interest and are translating a small sample deck in each language to test gameplay in these regions.
Since funding onboarding, we have identified several primary and secondary translators for Spanish, Afrikaans, Filipino & Brazilian Portuguese. The last language we have to identify translators for is German but have several uncommitted conversations active and aren't worried about finding a partner with the deep Cardano community in Germany.
- Hired project manager for all translation and spot checking review with community members.
Next Steps:
Using our finalized example deck in English, have each translator begin the localization translation and get community feedback on if it makes sense.