Low Cost Node Hardware


6/23/22 Report:

Previous Milestone:

Progress: Our first step was making sure we have the hardware needed to test our theories and setup a node on a Rock Pi. Following Materials have been purchased to begin our experiments setting up a node and expanding the low (4GB) RAM with a virtualized SWAP. - Rock Pi 4 Plus Model B Rockchip RK3399 (4GB) - M.2 NVMe SSD 256GB - Heatsinks (Repurposed from Raspberry Pi) - better options exist if shipping from China. Finally we will be using this Thingiverse File for holding the M.2 SSD in place. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5247971

Next Steps: Tinkering! We will be starting from the previous deployment experiment from our Easy Cardano Node to see what roadblocks come up with deploying a better node.



Status: ON TIME

Last updated